Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Mary and I watched the movie Eat Pray Love today. Julia Roberts is good actress. The movie is bad.


  1. What did Mary think of it? I hear it is a "chick flick".

  2. I enjoyed the movie! Not one of my all time favorites, but decent enough. Have you read the book?

  3. The book Over My Head is boring. It is hard. I stopped it. Mary and I went to stroke doctor a week ago. He want me to speak to his interns in September 2011. He is also going to get myself and Mary trained by the American Heart Association to be peer councilors to stoke victims at Strong Hospital.

  4. Gary that is so exciting about the training and you speaking with the interns! What a great opportunity! I just started reading "My Stroke of Insight"
